7 results
Sukari Chewy | "Chewy" | 100% natūralu ir sveika | 200g | 800g | 3 Kg | 3,2 Kg | 9,6 Kg
Nuo €5,90 inkl. VAT
Ajwa | Datulės | chewy | 100% naturalu ir sveika | Cukraus alternatyva | 200g | 800 g | 5 Kg|Consumption Note: Since Ajwa are of the "hard/solid" variety of dates, they taste best when enjoyed at room temperature and not right out of the fridge!
Nuo €34,90 inkl. VAT
Segai | Datulės| chewy & soft | 200g | 800g | 3 Kg
€18,49 inkl. VAT
Safavi | Datulės | chewy | 200g | 800g | 3.2 Kg
Nuo €17,00 inkl. VAT
Datulės Mabroom | chewy | 100% natūralios | 200g | 800g | 2,4Kg
€18,00 inkl. VAT
Kudri datulės | Chewy | 100% natūralios | 200g | 800 g | 2,4Kg | 3 Kg|| ||Consumption Note: Since Khidri are of the "hard/solid" variety of dates, they taste best when enjoyed at room temperature and not right out of the fridge!
Nuo €15,00 inkl. VAT
| Džiugi mišinys| Pavasario skonis| Puikiai tinka dalinimuisi| Aukštos kokybės|
€29,90 (€29,90/Kaste)
inkl. VAT